The EBN is a multi-sector community comprising environmental professionals from industry, consultancies, advising businesses, education and the supply chain.
Whilst the urgent and demanding need to reverse climate change occupies our thoughts and provides the backdrop to the network’s purpose, we are very much focused on connecting our members together so that they continue the excellent work they do for their companies and in discovering innovative solutions to practical environmental challenges.
To borrow an expression from the former Performance Director of British Cycling we are focused on championing the “marginal gains” that are made everyday in the environmental business sector.

We believe that it is the environmental professionals, and their supply chain, that will deliver a lot of the science-based solutions that will help industry dramatically improve its environmental stewardship which, in turn, will contribute to the climate change challenge.
These are challenging times for everyone and in times like this people need to come together. The EBN’s objective is to create a community of like-minded people who care deeply about the environment and want to share best practice. At the same time, however, business cannot simply stop so we will work hard with our members to help them adopt the behaviours, language and influencing skills needed to convince Boards of both the need for, and commercial potential in, better environmental management.
It is unrealistic to expect a CEO not to focus on share price but the EBN will empower its members to fuse commercial focus with environmental and social awareness to enhance business and brand reputation. Ultimately, for both corporates and SMEs alike, this will increase shareholder and stakeholder value.
So, why not join us and enjoy the benefits of a far reaching Influencing Skills programme, which is being put together by a leading Learning & Development consultancy, meet great people at our events (we will be announcing events in London, Exeter, Bristol and Bury St Edmunds with many more to come), share best practice, actively learn and enhance your own CV and discover new and
exciting innovations through the supply chain.