In a Bloomberg Green article entitle “Church of England targets corporate emitters” we were cheered by the strong actions of the investment arm of the Church of England. Now, the EBN aspires to be neutral on issues such as faith and politics but we can’t resist saying three cheers for the C of E as they take a stand on where their nearly £3bn investment funds are directed.
Just months after announcing plans to sell its oil and gas holdings, the Church of England Pensions Board is now going after the biggest consumers of fossil fuels.
Those include airlines, utilities, steel companies—and also banks. The focus is on “the key blockers of climate policy,” said Laura Hillis, the board’s director of climate and environment, while speaking last week at an event about the 2024 proxy season.
Among investors, the Church of England stands out for its aggressive stance against the world’s largest polluters. Many asset managers say they’re serious about climate change, but far fewer actually do anything concrete to back up their words.